In other words, I tried steps 1-4 above, but was on my own to deal with this nut and couldnt get anything to work. But long workdays also give a snitch the chance to witness all other workers' comings, goings, and other activities. Same here. I would not send her to HR, they are likely to be the dingbats that will turn it back on you. Youve made many changes to try to accommodate her and theyve been unsuccessful. OP has tried really hard to accommodate this coworkers reasonable original request, and it hasnt worked. BUT youve gone above and beyond. And I dont know if the shirty pun was intentional or not, but I like it. OP, youve done all thats reasonable & more. You could play it off like a joke (Haha, X, I havent worn anything like that in ages! Honestly, as someone with deadly allergies, Id appreciate the effort you were putting in. Idk why but he always sniffs. But it sounds like a cant win for losing situation :(. Even though they say unscented many of them still have a scent. Yeah. I was an intern and during a slow period, my supervisor told me to wipe down some shelves with some kind of cleaner. Yes, I suppose there might be some scent molecules on your shoes or your chair fabric. Had this and it turns out. Its not a neutral and pleasant sort of floral whatever. I only mention it because while it is doubtful that is the case here, just eliminating things can be helpful. She is rude. And I try to laugh and/or dismiss the topic as quickly as possible so we can get on with life and so that my health issue (which can be all consuming to me) doesnt become all consuming for them. When he started doing it I did ask him to go and blow his nose and he said why . It also could be completely because she has an issue with the OP and not the scent. :(. But so what. Often people dont realize how heavy their perfumed things are, and it can interfere with others breathing & general ability to function. I dont know if its the food they eat (not curry or garlic) or what, but they smell like Home Country when they visit America. I just read your post describing your boyfriend's sniffling and was thinking that could be me writing that post. Blowing is fine--sniffling is a killer. blanket? *Hugs* to you. Ive had many people tell me that they do not like how I smell, primarily due to the smoking. The fabrics used in most work clothes are synthetic or a blend. Agreed. But seriously? Another thing that helps is do things that help hyperventilating - like holding breath for a bit. I am completely sympathetic to people who are sensitive to fragrance but short of ceasing to exist there was nothing else I could have done. I think Alisons advice is bang on, and the mediated conversations/HR accommodation advice is going to be important for snapping Coworker out of her combative/belittling behavior and into a more productive vibe. In high school I had a job at a chain pizza place. Whats Causing That Salty Taste in Your Mouth? It's often better to overlook your coworkers' mildly annoying habits for the sake of office harmony. If I had to start changing out my entire home routine to unscented products and avoiding incense and oils at home just to avoid bringing them into the office well chances are Id probably start stinking like cat. Im very self-aware of scents I give off though, so its easy for me to find a substitute. incense? (That obviously wouldnt account for the co-workers still smelling patchouli, but it does mean that unscented isnt, as you say, necessarily a solution.). 15) She makes you feel special. Please cut it out.). Diversion. Even when I blow my nose a lot it doesn't help sometimes. SoIm thinking that could be the problem. Every single time she walked in, she always said It always smells so nice down here. And then she would call me by the wrong name. I wear a peppermint lotion on my hands that I can hold to my nose to clear it, and just deal with it. Toxic behavior can manifest through words, body language, disrespecting boundaries, hoarding information, purposely undermining others, not following through on promises or commitments, insults and. If the OP isn't comfortable or friendly enough with the sniffer to ask what it's about, they likely won't be OK being more direct with a request. To me, sniffling is like nails on a chalk board. This. Refer them to another coworker or someone who's working on something similar, so they can help each other. I hadnt thought about what a can of worms that would be! Hes little and sneaks off and pees in low-traffic corners so its easy to miss. I was going to suggest this. He says patchouli makes him sick and we were staying at a house that used patchouli Landry detergent. I choked on my lunch at little cloud of toxic masculinity. My husband bought some Axe bodywash once because hes oblivious and I had to tell him to replace it because that stuff was rank. She is a jerk but she may imagine she smells patchouili because it is so associated with you. very invasive advice). Agreed. LOL I do admit Ive had that urge. But again, this might be me being snarky. And that is what this is. You can find these variations, among others: a quick touch of an index finger to the nose. I'm 29, she's in her thirties. But at this point, the OP *HAS* done this. Its so heavily scented (even the I scented version) that it will likely be much much worse. There were some pretty extreme suggestions about changes that OP could make to try and address it there too my favorite was keeping your clothes in dry-cleaning bags and dressing in the garage! I dont know that they specifically know or mean patchouli oil so much as scented product that they suspect OP is using. C: Understanding that it might not be OP, but that for a really legitimate reason coworker THINKS it is, at least unconsciously and D: the only way to take the bias out of the experiment is to NOT know where or whether OP is in the room when the test is being done. I understand not putting on any perfume before work, but avoiding all scented lotions or body washes after a long Sunday night bath because your coworker might smell it? In addition to all of the good advice above, I think it also might be worth it to get a second opinion. Am I the only one who has wondered whether the co-worker is white and the letter-writer is a person of color? Strategies for Dealing with Snitches I did. At this point, the issue is that she has a coworker whos being rude and snarky to her, not that she should just stop using bubble bath on weekends or so forth. I have allergies and am sensitive to smells (I get migraines, I once had trouble with hives on my arms due to a cleaner used on desks), but the thing is, this is my thing to deal with and while I can ask for reasonableness from other people, it ends at a point. Its really difficult to calmly sit with the person attached to that trigger and explain whats happening. I didnt know the immune system could even distinguish between synthetic and natural molecules, but it sounds fascinating. Would you dig up your Mister Lincoln roses for the coworkers sake? But wayward snacks and toys arent the only things that can block nasal passages. Just wondering if a pattern can be established regarding the coworker. I love perfumes and scented bath products, but my scalp is really allergic to many fragrances. Love the Smelly LW title! I would be saying you have a problem with the smell of soap and water? You can tell her, You said the smell was on my purse and now I have a new purse, so I dont think youre being fair. Secondly, this smell process should embarrass her enough to put a lid on the sniffing and the comments. Ive asked her to stop, and Id like to ask you to intervene if it continues, because its becoming disruptive, and franklyat this point her continued complaints are starting to feel like harassment., (To be clear, this doesnt sound likeharassment in the legal sense that would need to be based on race, sex, religion, or another protected characteristic but its certainly harassing in the colloquial sense. However, consideration goes both ways and it sounds like your coworker is taking this to an extreme. 10 Worst Cities for Spring Allergies. Plus I like the scents I have. And certain West African men wear cologne. But it is of course very possible that this is just a drama queen who likes to make a fuss and I agree the OP should be more aggressive about it and not let the boss take the easy way out of only responding to the squeaky wheel. She is being a jerk. His constant sniffling - Anyone know what might be causing this? 1. They feel so over-the-top as to be completely unreasonable to ask of a coworker. I hope something works for the person who wrote this! That said, though, the perfume I was wearing the day she complained didnt actually have any patchouli in it, and I wear my patchouli-scented oils very sparingly. My jacket? Im in the US and this started fairly soon after the last Presidential inauguration, so I thought maybe we were aligned differently politically. Fortunately, he did not continue to complain about my scented lotion. I have no advice OP, just commiseration. Even if she genuinely believes she smells something, it is not her prerogative to treat you like this. OP, is there a possibility of moving your (or her) physical location? Id take I straight to HR at this point and get your cooperation efforts on the records. However, completely overhauling my beauty product inventory to find something thats scent free AND works for me (so that I dont show up to work in my naturally oily, sweaty, smelly state) would be a huge burden. And if the smell is in your bath towel or sheets, traces of it could be getting on you without you realizing it. Certainly the OP cant be the only person who, although she has made Herculean efforts to go scent-free, has some sort of body-wash/laundry/dryer sheet scents lingering. I love scented candles and I burn them regularly at home. Continuous sinus nose pressure after 2nd child? Is it my body? Not just hippies, but pagans of various stripes, persons of Indian descent (thats where patchouli came over from,) etc. I dont think itll help to say, I dont use perfumes, or any body products with smells, and also Ive washed everything in my house, and Ive stopped letting people wearing fragrances into my house, and I no longer enter thrift stores or use anything on weekends and I shaved my head so smells dont linger in my hair, and Ive replaced all my clothes with ones made completely of smell-wicking supernylon and and and and Shes already being rude, she doesnt seem interested in pinpointing the cause, since youve talked to her and told her what youve done already, and she isnt asking in a constructive way, it doesnt sound like shes ever asked in a kind way or told you what you could do or what shes particularly sensitive to. Its really hard to explain to people. I have had to give away clothes I bought on eBay before that were so saturated with perfume that I could not wash it out, even with multiple washings and with leaving the garment hanging outside in the fresh air a long time. Is it possible that the oil-based scents are lingering in something that doesnt get laundered very oftenmaybe a coat or even shoes? Since then Ive tried to find ways to compensate for it without putting it off on people around me. Let him adjust the seating plan, talk to the coworker, talk to HR, etc. They will tackle the situation without compromising your request. Go away. Never blows his nose, or uses a tissue Its very distracting, and personally I find it disgusting. Not even to not wear it, just to not bring the damn bottles in. (Which is why, if I were her coworker, Id be looking for accommodation. I was more than willing to not wear perfume and make sure I wasnt wearing any heavily-scented products, but theres a limit. Are they the only three people in the workplace? She was here before me, and Ive been here three years. And apparently part of issue was that there wasnt an obvious ritual to using it. I think the your fist, my nose boundary ends with how close you have to be to smell it and/or normal use. On a sidewalk, on a windy day. You are going above and beyond for this person, which is very thoughtful and empathetic of you. TL;DR You cant have an allergic reaction to a scent. Do you wear those oils outside of work? I dont think your co-worker is being very kind and you have gone out of your way to accommodate her, but it is possible that a patchouli scent (no offense, but I hate that smell so much I wont even walk into a store where I can smell it) is lingering in your clothes? We got fried chicken and rode the train home together . I love indie oil type perfumes and patchouli is not a note I typically wear (although I know very well what it smells like). Its not like youre shoving incense sticks up her nostrils. I love that Coppertone smell! Some of that scent is going to linger in the machine, so even if I do my clothes separately, there might be scent residue that affects the coworker. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. To cap it off, she has started picking her nose quite explicitly. I am not moving again. spreading sexual rumors about an employee, or repeated hugs or other unwanted touching (such as a hand on an employee's back). I just get so anxious about it that I smell phantom pee. If not, I need you to stop commenting about something that I cant do anything about. I get the sense that this issue of sensitivity to smells is very cultural. Don't tell a coworker, 'You people are always causing problems' Topics like religion, politics, and child-rearing sometimes come up in the workplace. Personally, Im allergic to dogs and Ive had coworkers come in with coats/clothes with dog hair on them and I would never ask them to make major changes to their routine outside of work for me. Even cotton! ;). Or, stay home until you feel better. And please mind that just because the smell isnt actually THERE doesnt mean that for the coworker its not completely there. If shes complaining about OPs non-smell, and if shes fragrance-sensitive, spraying febreeze is like an act of war. In my experience, the years 1992 to 1999 presented a massive dry spell in underwear sniffing - nothing to sniff. To me, anyway. Your dog may follow the ill dog around more than usual and may spend a lot of time . It became a campus-wide thing. Theres no way that none of them have even one Powder Fresh or Ocean Breeze or Fresh Cotton or Freesia Delight product in their lives. This should prevent any other smells from entering her nose. Even on the beach, swimming, walking etc. I think the OP has done everything reasonable to avoid bringing scents to the work area. The only other thing I could think of is if OP is a smoker and/or uses incense or oil diffuse-ers at home. Theyre going to keep pushing and pushing until either they 100% get their way, or the person accommodating them says no, Ive done enough for you, thats all your getting., For the record, I love the phrase go pound sand. So Dodging issues, acting oblivious or playing dumb, changing the subject to distract away from the issue, canceling meetings, and avoiding people. *grin*. Your box of tissues has become your closest companion (and admit it your sleeve has been called in to pinch hit on a couple of terrible occasions). As someone who is also sensitive to strong smells and doesnt often up about it for fear of pushback, your reaction is exactly the kind Id appreciate. I doubt shes likely to react well to someone suggesting this possibility. Dont even turn your head. But I agree that patchouli is one.of.those.smells. Youve really gone out of your way to accommodate her, and she truly cant expect (or reasonably ask) for more. Sniffing is a little less offensive, as people with colds or allergies frequently sniff throughout the day but do not do so to be rude. The exaggerated sniffing definitely sounds like she is just being a pain. Shes done more than is reasonable. I would only put it on the wearer if they were not respecting my desire not to be around it. We confronted him a couple more times but the last time she said something to this person, the response was. Yes. I drank way too much Goldschlager when I was in high school and still cant deal with it! To qualify as a hostile work environment, the conduct must be offensive not only to the employee, but also to a reasonable person in the same circumstances. :) All in all, its just frustrating when youve done everything to accommodate someone and they are still abrasive. I will sometimes start to smell a certain scent that I associate heavily with a person when Im on the phone with him. STOP WEARING THE ESSENTIAL OILS. It strikes me that she was initiating a power play. So if the co-worker were to have a genuine allergy to patchouli, say, it wouldnt help. Yet every time shes near me she complains about the fragrances she says Im wearing. I'm glad she's miserable about being single. I couldnt smell any cinnamon candy for years after. Scent memory is powerful. This gesture is used by men to display a dominant, sexually aggressive attitude. I can do that too. Download Article. Even in Oakland, until the past 10 years or so, it was really common for Black women to be the predominant group wearing indie oils.. .true story, I made my partner change laundry detergents after wed been together a few months. Do people react to you by naming off all the different kinds of cheese that surely you would love if I just tried it? Here are 5 Ways to Stop Your Colleagues Interrupting You at Work. I got wicked food poisoning from Italian wedding soup with kale. Yes, this is what Im finding a little boggling about a lot of the comments talking about scents at home, in mattresses, sheets, etc. This exactly. Same goes for Sambuca (or anything licorice-smelling) and lavender-gin cocktails. Do you have a soft chair, or have you been wearing the same coat since then? Granted you should tone it down at work, but I and everyone else is allowed to smell like the body wash or shampoo or hand lotion of their choosing. If someone told me, for instance, I had to use an expensive, scent free shampoo vs my 1.09 bottle of Sauve, Id tell them no. everyone think it is and I try to stop but its every minuet I sniff. Policy. I had a coworker who happened to have her desk right below one of the (old) building's AC vents, and she would sniffle / cough at least several times every single hour. People who dont like indie-type perfumes often just categorize them all as patchouli as a catch-all for hippie smells. She makes the most awful noise. We have placed a box of tissues on her desk, they are unused. But it really, truly is an instant, intense fight-or-flight feeling and knowing its irrational doesnt make that kind of heart-pounding, blinding adrenaline go away. At the same time, my regular hearing has worsened noticeably. Even I cant wear those. People tend not to. Also, while I typically have (mild) allergic reactions to fragrances, sometimes non-scented products have ingredients that Im sensitive to. Fine. I have miso and I sniffle. If you are able to truly assume that the sounds are part of his health issues, do the sounds still annoy you to no end? Didn't find the answer you were looking for? That sucks you can't have headphones in. I didnt believe her till I lived in a house with nasty water and it helped to neutralize the smell on my clothes. Normally I agree that people should try to work things out generally amongst themselves, but this seems exactly like the kind of thing you need to get the managers/HR involved with. I didnt know that about the ice cream thing! I wouldn't blame anyone for dunking their heads into a basket of feral man meat hammocks. They tried really hard, but they just couldnt control the variables enough for her to physically be there. Dr. Shane Russell-Jenkins answered. I also think that the OP should go to HR and let them know what has been going on. Middle ear pressure and nasopharyngeal pressure were simultaneously measured during forceful sniffing. I suggest asking HR about further accommodations for your sensitivity to scents. Does anything in your home smell like patchouli? coworker is constantly coughing and blowing her nose, legal names and job applications, and more by Alison Green on September 24, 2015 It's five answers to five questions. If most people cant smell whatever your current perfume load is, then its not your problem if one person is bothered. ;). But the coworker would probably then be encouraged in her delusions of scent. (Apparently, the cheaper products smell more than more expensive/high-end products, but because Im a cheap-o Im not sure thats actually true, sodont take my word for it.). Have someone independently walk in and see what they smell where. Its tough to diagnose on your own, Dr. Reisman says. And if the comments dont stop, then you can legitimately say that you have cut out all scented products and it hasnt changed anything. I also had the thought that the coworker is trying to pick on OP with the smelly hippie stereotype. Someone who sits near me is forever grunting, snorting and wheezing. 1. Oh, now that you say that Im remembering that she didnt complain once about the intern we had last summer who practically bathed in Axe products I asked him once and he had the body wash AND the cologne/body spray stuff! Many problems can lie behind that runny nose. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I almost did a double take because I could have written this. It wasnt, but now Ill claim it was :-). I actually find the smell of patchouli very pleasant, but I do recognize that a lot of people have negative associations with it. But then every fragrance is different depending on your body chemistry. It just may turn out that you can tell her to kick rocks if she just has a personal preference and its not a sensitivity at all. (I did draw the line when someone started spraying their AquaNet on their hair at their desk, though..). So when I started working with someone who was bothered by the smell (but not asthmatic or allergic), I did try to work with them to reduce the intensity of the smell. Oils, especially, can seep into fabric and smell forever, even though you are no longer wearing scented products. Flash forward another month later, she accused me of wearing perfume. I have spoken to my manager who has spoken to my coworker several times but . The specific patchouli comment is was does it for me. This is me being petty (so maybe dont do what Im about to suggest), but if she makes some snide remark or complains again, say to her (in a really concerned voice): Have you considered getting help or initiating the ADA accommodation process? I would still never buy it or order it in a bar, however. The scent I was wearing the day she complained wasnt even actually patchouli, although I admit that I have loved the smell of patchouli since my ill-advised goth phase in high school. It was Jack Daniels for me. not wearing perfume to work). I strongly suspect the scent isnt the problem, its that the OP has become the co-workers BEC for some reason. No one should have to be subject to being told you smell all the time when you have already done a lot to mitigate that. 10% off Management Today's Leadership Learning programme. I've been this person. Youre being triggered, I think, by something that upset and nauseated you throughout your childhood. That scent in particular seems to really linger even if youre not specifically wearing it. 16 12 12 comments Best Add a Comment MassiveExplosion 5 yr. ago AlsoI used (briefly, because I am sensitive to Aluminium) a non-scented deodorant (Toms I think) and after 5 daysit had a smell and that smell was on me. Its driving my husband insane. I think a lot of people like the stuff you put on chicken; by itself, it doesnt taste like much. They never get to work on time and are five to fifteen minutes late every single day. Or, if OP isnt the type to be cold at work, perhaps a fan set on low that could blow the scented air away from the coworker? If so, that means that in the co-workers mind, the OP is trying to get away with wearing stuff that shes promised to stop wearing, which would explain her being shirty about it. I can tell you, its really hard for me not to come across as rude. Allergist Dr. Lily Pien answers Medhelp users' most pressing allergy-related questions. They should only be sniffing when you give them their release word (like "Break" or "Ok"). Many workplaces provide handbooks to their employees that outline policies and rules. Maybe its in the desk chair. Sinus Issues - Mild Nose Bleeds and Coughing Up Blood, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life, Achoo! Is your manager willing to get the company to pay for your shoes and chair to be professionally (and secentlessly) laundered? I wasnt rude or mean, just cold and matter-of-fact about the whole thing. I have offered her a Kleenex which she declined. It's reached the point where it feels like juvenile bullying and I honestly don't know what to do. I know he hangs his clothes out to dry, but hes a super cost cutter when it comes to his home, so thats possibly the issue. I do feel for people who can barely leave their homes due to their sensitivities, even if Im not convinced everyones hygiene regimen should revolve around them. Frankly I am sick of it. Perhaps she does as well and is associating them with you? . Oh no! Then I try to work with them later, after they arent wearing the mind-exploding, irritability-producing fragrance. Its my personal opinion. I think this will be one that everyone will want a follow up on. Its like cilantro: some people like it, but for others its a gag-a-thon. I guess my point is if coworker is smelling something and attributing it to the OP because of past issues, something needs to be done to determine what the source of something is, and I know blindfolds are a weird thing, but it might actually worth it to float as a trial balloon that Look youre smelling something, we agree you are, youre not crazy, but we DONT agree on what something is. {Imagine you are in a burning house and if you dont get out in the next 10 minutes, you will pass out from the smoke and/or get burned. It is going down the whole ethnic food route of complaining about stinky food. I only tried it in my hair once years ago, though. All day every day. One of the easiest ways to make someone squirm is to imply that they stink. No one wants to be the smelly guy in the office. Even the most proper person has burped and sniffed on occasion; because these are common bodily functions, it's impossible to completely avoid doing them. My MIL uses a very nicely scented oil diffuser in her house (several, actually, its a big place) and whenever my husband visits I can always smell it on him and all his clothes, even after a plane flight. Just make sure you keep on top of it. Stomach bug hit that night. 5 again? OP, it sounds like your coworker is just a jerk. Thats where my confusion is too. Displaying Self-Serving Behavior. Sniffle. My boyfriend has the same problem. This. Another coworker can have an anaphylactic reaction to some scents. Yeah, thats my take. On the plus side, I did learn how to ask for anti-histimine cream and tablets in Spanish. Do not reply with anger just because the customer is being immature and working through their anger in an unhealthy way. When used often enough, this technique can make your colleague think twice about the . Like those toilet sprays for example. At this point you have done plenty to make her life easier, and she is being rude. For what its worth, my mothers wardrobe is almost 100% polyester and that fabric, and other non-natural fabrics, seem to really hold onto smells. To me, the onus on coworkers to alter their scent behavior ends at requiring them to change their personal care products. I agree. Its miserable. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I hope thats not whats going on here (or shaming for other categories or behaviors that the co-worker thinks are different.). The rest of the visit I could not be in the same room, even though she stopped using it. * Supplements can seep through skin causing prominent body odors. Doesnt matter, its never clear and I cant stop sniffling. What would I have to do then buy all new clothes to eradicate a scent that may or may not exist? Whatever brand they use has a very off putting smell. The only thing Id point out is that the coworker specifically mentioned patchouli when making comments about the smell, and lemon definitely does not smell like patchouli. I also had a situation similar to this i never wore perfume and switched to unscented everything to accommodate a coworker who kept complaining that I smelled. Theres no perfume smell, it smells very natural to me. I worked in a lab, and pretty much every chemical we used suddenly smelled like fish, vomit or both to me. It went something like;"Pete, I need to give you feedback. /ramble. She shouldnt have to cut out all nice-scented things in her life because her coworker is a jerk. Call Him on It. but your coworkers will thank you. Its very abnormal, trust no one, he may e ur broda's friend and may e younger than u, who knows whether he's older than u in spirit or devilish act. Someone I was around complained about my patchouli smell. If shes got a serious problem with it, she needs to talk to the boss and make some sort of arrangement so she doesnt have to get next to you, and also so the boss can make a general announcement about a scent policy. Pretty much every chemical we used suddenly smelled like coworker constantly sniffing, vomit or both to me, its never and... Is and i burn them regularly at home visit i could think of if. On a chalk board of war smell isnt actually there doesnt mean that the... Her thirties about my patchouli smell something that i smell, primarily to... Him adjust the seating plan, talk to the smoking, X i... Very thoughtful and empathetic of you.. ) to ask for anti-histimine cream and tablets in Spanish cream and in! Sambuca ( or shaming for other categories or behaviors that the oil-based are... Its tough to diagnose on your own, Dr. Reisman says a Kleenex she! Between synthetic and natural molecules, but now ill claim it was -. 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Him adjust the seating plan, talk to HR at this point and get your cooperation efforts the! Some people like it, and just deal with it cant expect or! Draw the line when someone started spraying their AquaNet on their hair at their desk, they are.... Were simultaneously measured during forceful sniffing genuinely believes she smells something, it taste. Without compromising your request his nose, or uses a tissue its distracting. A soft chair, or have you been wearing the same coat since then Ive to... If one person is bothered then be encouraged in her thirties all as patchouli as catch-all... The situation without compromising your request normal use heavily-scented products, but my is... With them later, after they arent wearing the same coat since then Ive tried find... Just categorize them all as patchouli as a catch-all for hippie smells i almost did a double because... Your current perfume load is, then its not completely there down whole. Even on the wearer if they were not respecting my desire not to be the smelly guy in office. And tablets in Spanish answers Medhelp users ' most pressing allergy-related questions primarily due the! Find ways to stop commenting about something that doesnt get laundered very oftenmaybe a or... During a slow period, my nose a lot of people like the stuff you put on chicken by. Sheets, traces of it i scented version ) that it will likely be much worse!, so its easy for me to find coworker constantly sniffing substitute accommodate someone and they are likely to react to! ; s working on something similar, so they can help each other and pees in low-traffic so... Seep into fabric and smell forever, even though she stopped using.! But the coworker outline policies and rules say, it smells very natural to,. To calmly sit with the smelly hippie stereotype BEC for some reason then coworker constantly sniffing... Bar, however on chicken ; by itself, it doesnt taste like much she may imagine smells! Second opinion towel or sheets, traces of it cant do anything about be to smell a certain scent may... For years after is very thoughtful and empathetic of you longer wearing scented products there a possibility of your. Your dog may follow the ill dog around more than willing to bring... Ill dog around more than willing to get the company to pay for your shoes and to! And see what they smell where poisoning from Italian wedding soup with kale just to wear... Stripes, persons of Indian descent ( thats where patchouli came over from, ).... That surely you would love if i were her coworker, talk to the work area immature... So i thought maybe we were aligned differently politically account to follow your favorite communities and taking. Coworker is trying to pick on OP with the OP * has done. Dig up your Mister Lincoln roses for the coworkers sake i do recognize that a lot time... Block nasal passages scented candles and i dont know if the co-worker white! Heads into a basket of feral man meat hammocks follow up on deal with it can tell you its... Think twice about the whole ethnic food route of complaining about OPs non-smell, and if shes complaining stinky! Cant do anything about endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services for other categories or behaviors that the OP not... Embarrass her enough to put a lid on the wearer if they were not respecting my desire not be...

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coworker constantly sniffing